The ECR modules were conceived, designed and developed as a result of a collaboration between an established cash register installer and a professional software house. It was quickly clear that existing software packages had serious limitations and tied users to individual manufactures.
At the outset it was obvious that the system would have to fulfil key criteria:-
Windows based
Easy to use
hardware flexible
The resultant system was developed using one of the latest RAD (Rapid Application Development)tools and beta tested for over two years with live sites.
Its true windows look and feel immediately put the user at ease and enables systems to be introduced quickly and painlessly.
The system car by use as a single site or multi site, and operate on windows 95/98 or windows NT with multi computer access the data at the same time.
The future
The ECR range of modules is being constantly reviewed and updated with new features being added and user request incorporated.
The range of cash registers and stock systems supported is constantly being reviewed and updated. Please contact your local dealer to ensure compatibility.
The intellectual property rights to the software are held jointly by R & B computer service and A & K cash registers.
The ECR modules
For those customers who require a more powerful stock system than ECRSTK, ECRSTKK-INT enables the sales data collected by ECRINT to be exported into an interface file ready for posting into users preferred stock system.
Provides an interface between front office hotel booking and the cash Registers for full control on the customer account.
Contact for information by phone (above) fax (029)20883232 or via Email: